CHAIN REACTS: Doble Standard


Covid-19 is damn good reason to lock you up, make you wear a mask, socially distance, and close down your business. Unless you are flooding across our border. Bring us your poor, your tired, your infected masses yearning for free stuff. When Biden promised his administration would be the most open ever, he was referring to our borders. No crisis here. Until it effects you.



Pull Biden’s finger for policy. Democrats fall for it every time. Bernie, AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, and Harris strike a match and your rights go up in a blast of blue flame. Fire breathing dragon? Only to the Left. Explosive policies may be impressive to the sophomoric, but the glory quickly dissipates. It is only gas. It is time for us to stand up to the politically flatulent.   

CHAIN REACTS: Goebblesdigook


Democrats use words as weapons. They choose them carefully, and repeat them again, and again, and again, ad nauseam. They make a Greek chorus seem spontaneous. You hear the same phrase brayed verbatim by every donkey in D.C.  They are students of Goebbels and Alinsky. You need a Democratic to Republican dictionary to understand them. Positives for Democrats, pejoratives for Republicans. And if they don’t like a word, they ban it. Man, woman, mother, and father are now Nancy no nos. So is free speech. But don’t worry about Big Brother. Big Person is the one you have to watch out for. Fact is fiction, fiction is fact. Set your watch to thirteen.

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
― Joseph Goebbels

CHAIN REACTS: Merry Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the House – Pelosi was shouting that Trump is a louse – wanting Donald hung up on a scaffold with care – or yanked from the White House dragged out by his hair – AOC and her crew were asleep in their beds – with visions of taking Republican’s heads – and Schumer and Nadler and all Brennan’s spies – were dreaming of Russia and making up lies – When from Mar-a-Lago there rose such a clatter – that the Dems wet their beds wondering what was the matter – They ran to the TV to check on the news – and spoke to the Chinese to find out their views – But I could have told them and saved them the call – It was Donald Trump wishing Merry Christmas to all.

CHAIN REACTS: Plan My Patootie


Biden is just an empty mask. He was a Joey-come-lately to the Covid 19 pandemic. A day late and a China dollar short. Everything he says he’ll do, other than shut down the country and economy, he plagiarized from Trump. He’s the guy in the bar who holds your coat for the donnybrook and brags he won the fight afterward. When Biden goes behind the barn it’s to take a nap. Here are some Covid 19 facts for you in a timeline.

➼ In a January Oval Office address, Trump declares a “humanitarian and security crisis. “Schumer & Pelosi, say he’s “manufacturing a crisis, to stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.” Party leader Tom Perez calls it “manufactured” and AOC says it’s a “‘crisis’ that doesn’t exist.”

➼ Jan 11-13: First Covid 19 death is reported by Chinese state media. Forty-one deaths and first case confirmed in Thailand. Sen. Warren tweets “we’re not falling” for the “fake crisis.”

➼ Jan 14 – the World Health Organization tweets there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus.

➼ Jan 15 House of Reps votes to impeach Trump. Pelosi & Dems have a signing ceremony with commemorative pens.

➼ Jan 17: Airport screening of travelers from Wuhan initiated.

➼ Jan 24 – Dr. Fauci says Covid 19 “isn’t something the American public needs to worry or be frightened about, because we have ways of preparing & screening it. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States.”Scarborough advises we be “more concerned about the common flu than Covid.”

➼ Jan 29 U.S. senators begin questioning in the impeachment trial. Joe Biden says that Trump’s idea of restricting travel from China is xenophobic.

➼ Jan 30: State Department issues Level 4 Do Not Travel Health Advisory for China. The CDC warns “avoid all nonessential travel to China.” Trump hosts a conference call with governors, Secretary Azar, Director Redfield, Dr. Fauci, and others. Trump’s Covid action plan is presented. Impeachment proceeds. WHO calls Covid a heealthcare emergency.

➼ Feb 2 – N.Y.C. Health Commissioner Dr. Barbot says, “the risk to New Yorkers for Coronavirus is low and our preparedness as a city is very high. There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday. I’m going to be there.”

➼ Feb 20: WHO confirms 77,000 cases worldwide. Feb 24 Pelosi says come to China Town to visit. “It’s safe and there are no Coronavirus concerns”. San Francisco becomes an epicenter of the disease.

➼ Feb 29: Trump rolls back Obama-era regulations in order to speed up testing.➼ Mar 2 Bill DiBlasio says, “I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives. Get out on the town despite Coronavirus.”

➼ Mar 9 Bernie Sanders says he would not shut down travel. March 20 MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow & N.Y. Times bash Trump for talking about Hydroxy Cloroquin and call it a “fairy tale” that gives people false hope. We now know it actually helps people recover faster.

➼ Mar 13: House Dems quietly withdraw their floor vote to end Trump’s travel restriction.➼ Mar 30 Media says everyone saw this coming early.

3Mitch Feingold, Gerrie Sidwell and 1 other



If Democrats win the Constitution loses. Pack the Supreme Court with people who want to make law rather than follow it and you can kiss goodbye to free speech, religious freedom, and your right to keep and bear arms. The First and Second Amendments are just written words on a piece of paper and the dems have plenty of White Out. Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi will lead the progressive lynch mob and you’ll find yourself at the end of their rope. This isn’t an election about personalities. it is an election about the survival of our Constitutional Republic. Lincoln warned, “Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” Your vote will safeguard or savage our liberties. Vote accordingly.